If your hand begins to resemble this, seek not your family physician, but an exorcist! Medical advice from Dr. Baleshstein (a distant relative of Dr. Frankenstein).
Can you think? Do you have an opinion? Will you continue to ingest the quotidian while secretly longing for yesteryear? This is your opportunity to expose yourself. Permit me to provide you with both medical and poetic license. Feel free to jump in when I tickle your fancy or exhume your hidden demons. I am Albert Provocateur, and I fear no written expression. As your guide and catalyst, I will extract the bullets you’ve bitten. Accept or reject, the choice is yours. I’ve already made mine.
A dark, stormy night, a full moon, an abandoned castle, moving shadows, an eccentric, old man, and a spark from lightning are all integral to the formula for nightmare. Fear not, however, and never shy away from the novel. Dates with destiny knock but once, perhaps twice, and failure to draw back the latch inevitably condemns the soul to an earthly life of boredom. Seize the day, embrace the night, and hold learning, not money, above all else. A life well spent will be your reward, as both angels and devils envy you.
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By Anonymous, at Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:54:00 PM
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