Going South
While going south for the winter may be a luxury for some of us, preventive screening for breast cancer beginning at or before 40 years of age, for cervical cancer at 18 years, for colorectal cancer at 50 years, and for prostate cancer at 45 years, as well as immunizations against influenza and pneumococcus and in some cases hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningococcus, smallpox, and tetanus, have become a necessity for the combined silent and vocal majority. How do we pay for these things, however, when gasoline prices continue to soar, and the aging are forced to make hard choices between food, heating fuel, and their medications? Is it possible that the 10% of investors who own 90% of the U.S. stock market are living the illusion that the U.S. economy is strong? Mergers are not the financial barometer of a healthy stock market, but rather a last ditch effort to avert small-scale Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). Food for thought as the wealthy navigate virgin beaches, while the rest of us trod smoke-colored snow. (photo taken from NEJM, 1-18-07) Dr. Al

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