bb Albert Provocateur: April 2014

Albert Provocateur

Friday, April 11, 2014

While we wait for "A Bachelor Party for Odysseus" to hit the presses and the airwaves, something lurks beneath the Eternal City. I am well into my new Roman vampire novel, "Sangrus," and I thought I'd give you, the reader, a "taste" of the book's initial paragraph.

Sunset was there, so faraway, bringing the evil, here and now, too close for comfort. The ivory cross on the mountain summit bled red. The city would follow. Granite, marble, and reinforced cement would be powerless to stop the onslaught of crimson steel. The time had come. The planets were aligned. Even the weather had predicted the arrival. He was here, alive, anxious to unleash horrors far more sinister than anything borne in the mind of Caligula. As summer tourists poured into the boot's Italian playground to fulfill ageless fantasies, winter was about to descend suddenly, with a fury to make Vesuvius look and sound like a pop-gun, and Pompeii, a carnival.  

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My New Book, "A Bachelor Party for Odysseus"

My new book is imminent: